How to Customize Invoice Layout

The system allows users to customize the layout of the invoices sent to their customers – they can show or hide different blocks of data based on their preferences.


Settings > System Settings > Invoice Settings

By default all check-boxes are selected – this means that all items will be displayed on invoices. In order to hide any of the items you need to un-check the respective box.


General Invoice Settings

Show Statements in Regular Invoice – if this check box is selected detailed information is shown in the regular invoices.

Show Statements in On Demand Invoice – if this check box is selected detailed information is shown in the on demand invoices.

Attach Invoice in email – if this check box is selected invoices will be attached in the e-mail sent to the customer notifying that a new invoice was issued. If this is not checked, the e-mail body will contain a link that the customer can follow and download the invoice.


Please note that this setting is very usefull when the invoice .pdf files are big and there may be issues to receive them by e-mail.
Invoice Layout

Users can customize the invoice layout by showing or hiding different sections of the invoice such as logo, company information, billing period, amount due, due date, bill to, current charges, billing summary, payment details, usage charges, recurring charges, surcharges, payments, refunds, balance, adjustments, VAT, etc.

If a check box is selected the corresponding field will be displayed on the invoice while if it is not selected the field will be hidden.


Please note that there is an exception for some of the sections – when their value is different from zero they will be displayed in the invoice even if the check box is not selected!


These sections are current charges, billing summary, usage charges, surcharges and other fees, taxes, payments, refunds, beginning balance, current period adjustments, previous period adjustments, and on demand charges.

Also, if you do not select to show items “Company Information” and “Bill To” this will hide only the address information but the company name will be displayed in any case.


Please note that these settings are valid for all customers and the invoice layout cannot be customized for each account individually.


When you you make changes to the Invoice layout the new settings will be reflected in all future invoices – however, they will not affect the invoices that were already issued.


Please do not forget to click on the “Submit” button to save your changes.