User Activity Logs

The report provides detailed information about user login and activity during specified period.

The information includes all timed visited and performed actions on objects for detail audit trail.

The following details are displayed in the report:

  • User Name
  • Access Time
  • Login Time
  • Logout Time
  • Object Name.



Configuration Audit Reports

Configuration Audit Reports allow users to audit and the settings of the system.


The set of reports provides snapshot of all current settings for system objects for quick review and validation.

  • System Users – reveals current system users configurations
  • System Settings – reveals current system settings configurations
  • Rating And Billing – provides information about configuration of subscription plans and associated charges
  • Accounts – provides current configuration information about accounts
  • Agents – provides current configuration information about agents
  • Routing – provides current routing configuration information

On Demand Reports

On Demand Reports allow the management of on demand sessions in real time.


The reports are useful in hotel solutions, call shop solutions, internet café solutions etc.

  • Current Sessions – provides real time information for currently active sessions
  • Daily Sessions – provides a snapshot information about all sessions during the current day
  • Daily Invoices – provides a snapshot information about on-demand invoices during the current day

Performance Reports

Performance reports provide valuable real time and historical information about top and worst performers.

The available traffic parameters are Calls, Duration, Revenue, Cost, Gross Margin etc.

  • Destinations – reveals top/worst performing destinations statistics
  • Customers – reveals top/worst performing customers statistics
  • Carriers – reveals top/worst performing carriers statistics
  • Agents – reveals top/worst performing agents statistics

Agents reports

Agents reports provide all necessary information analysis of agent activity and due/paid commissions.



Reports allow segmentation of data per subscription plan, per accounts, account category or geographically.

  • Commissions report – reveals snapshot and trending information for commissions segmented by different attributes
  • Commissions Trend report – provides trending of commissions to revenue, cost or gross margin

Trending Reports

Trending Reports allow for easy visual trends analysis of all necessary traffic and revenue parameters.



The data can be filtered by customers and providers.

  • Attempts report – provides trending analysis of total call attempts for a period of time
  • Calls report – provides trending analysis of total calls for a period of time
  • Duration report – provides trending analysis of volume of traffic for a period of time
  • Revenue report – provides trending analysis of revue from calls for a period of time
  • Cost report – provides trending analysis of cost from calls for a period of time
  • ASR report – provides trending analysis of ASR for a period of time
  • ACD report – provides trending analysis of average call duration for a period of time

Usage Reports

Usage Reports provide historical information of the voice traffic on the system as well as all necessary tools for CDR lookup and analysis.


  • Customers report – reveals trending information about traffic volumes, revenue and cost per customer. Data can be segmented by prefixes, geographically or account categories.
  • Carriers report – reveals trending information about traffic volumes, revenue and cost per provider. Data can be segmented by prefixes, geographically or account categories.
  • Failed Calls report – provides snapshot and trend report for failed calls with specific disconnect cause.
  • Imported CDRs report – provides information of imported CDRs in a system staging area which have to be manually inspected; the system allows import of the CDRs into the system.
  • CDR Lookup tool – allows administrators to lookup and inspect CDRs based on a set of filter criteria.
  • Current calls report – provides information about the current calls in the system
  • Hung calls report – provides information about the hung calls in the system
  • Call distribution report – provides information about the current call distribution in the system

Account Custom Charges, Usage Counters and Routes

The system provides granular per account management of charges, routes and usage counters.


Depending on assigned subscription plan a customers will inherit all charges defined in the plan. Depending on the type of charge service providers can manually fine tune what charges and how many charges are applied to specific accounts.


Service providers can monitor Usage Counters on per account basis and manually reset them if needed.


Each account can be associated with a route set which will serve both for calculating provider costs from usage of service and real time routing of account services.


Ingress number translation sets can be applied to Account to convert individual account dial plan to system acceptable numbers. A translation set may consists of one ore many translation rules based on called or calling number matching criteria.

Call History and CDRs Downloads

The platform provides service providers with all necessary tools to analyze and reconcile CDR data.


For each account the system stores CDR data organized to help you quickly find traffic anomalies or make educated business decisions.


Core features include:

  • Account Call History report – a drill down grid aggregated by time periods and destination
  • Download CDR functionality – daily CDR files are available for download from the web interface or via FTP
  • CDR lookup tool – provides very detailed CDR filtering to fine tune your search
  • Usage and trend reports – provide valuable analytical information for system traffic or account traffic

Access and Authentication

The system provides flexible mechanism for service authentication and account identification based on multiple authentication attributes and combinations of them.


Supported account identification attributes:

  • Authentication and account identification based on source IP address; AVAVoIP looks up the IP address of the origination party and matches endpoint which belong to account
  • Authentication and account identification based on combination of source IP address and Tech Prefix. In cases when your partners are using a hosted solution with the same IP address AVAVoIP can use a tech prefix to uniquely identify each account
  • Authentication and account identification based on Tech Prefix. Although insecure Tech Prefixes are still widely used. AVAVoIP provides all necessary mechanisms for account identification based on Tech Prefix only
  • SIP Digest authentication. SIP endpoints can use secure username and password with SIP digest authentication function
  • Prepaid account authentication based on PIN number – used with prepaid IVR applications
  • Prepaid and postpaid authentication based on calling number (ANI) – used with IVR applications