AVAHosted is a state of the art VoIP BSS/OSS platform with comprehensive billing and routing capabilities. Designed to cope with complex charging problems the system enables service providers to gain flexibility in all areas of the billing process: pricing, rating, invoicing, taxation, settlement, balance management, reporting, revenue assurance and accounting.
Access and Authentication
The system provides flexible mechanism for service authentication and account identification based on multiple authentication attributes and combinations of them.
Account Custom Charges, Usage Counters and Routes
The system provides granular per account management of charges, routes and usage counters.
Account Profile Management
AVAHosted provides a set of comprehensive account profiling features for definition of customer contact info and billing info and tax.
The component allows access to powerful agent commissioning functionalities. Agents can sell services offered in specific subscription plans.
Agents reports
Agents reports provide all necessary information analysis of agent activity and due/paid commissions.
Call History and CDRs Downloads
The platform provides service providers with all necessary tools to analyze and reconcile CDR data.
Call Zones
AVAHosted introduces the concept of call zones. Call zones are very valuable when granular call categorization and call determination must be made based incoming on ANI/DNIS combinations.
Configuration Audit Reports
Configuration Audit Reports allow users to audit and the settings of the system.
The system has a robust multi-currency functionality that allows the management of various currencies for the different system features and components such as accounts, subscription plans, charges, taxes, payments, etc.
Custom Charges
This component enables management of custom recurring or one time charges and fees.
Destinations and Prefix Management
The Destinations management functionality allows system providers to build and maintain a single coherent nomenclature of destination prefixes and names used throughout the platform.
The system dynamically generates customer invoices based on the types of charges created in the subscription plans.
On Demand Reports
On Demand Reports allow the management of on demand sessions in real time.
On-net calls
The system offers a robust functionality that allows for number distribution and on-net billing of numbers for SIP trunking and Vonage type services.
Payments and Adjustments
The system offers a comprehensive payments and financial adjustments mechanism.
Performance Reports
Performance reports provide valuable real time and historical information about top and worst performers.
Revenue Assurance Reports
Revenue Assurance reports provide vital information about the cash inflows and outflows from your business operations as well as information about critical financial parameters such as account credit limits, negative margins from operations etc.
Roles and Privileges
AVAHosted implements a role based access control (RBAC) model to restrict access to system features for authorized users only.
AVAHosted Routing allows for comprehensive configuration of priority based routing and route costing.
Subscription Plan
Surcharges are special type of fees which are added on top of other fees or charges.
Surcharges are special type of fees which are added on top of other fees or charges.
The system provides a comprehensive tariff management functionality for both Customer billing and Provider costing:
The system enables service providers to setup and manage the most complex taxation cases.
Trending Reports
Trending Reports allow for easy visual trends analysis of all necessary traffic and revenue parameters.
Usage Counters
The Usage Counters component enables the usage of custom volume and occurrence counters (volume-based billing).
Usage Reports
Usage Reports provide historical information of the voice traffic on the system as well as all necessary tools for CDR lookup and analysis.
User Activity Logs
The report provides detailed information about user login and activity during specified period.